The ParagraphFour Book is here!

Have you ever had questions about how a generic drug actually makes it to the drugstore shelf?

The pathway to the drugstore shelf goes through the Paragraph IV Market. The Paragraph Four Book explains:

  • What exactly is Paragraph IV and the Paragraph IV Market?
  • How do patent law, business, and regulations intersect in the Paragraph IV Market?
  • How does a brand product defend its patents?
  • How does the PIV Market impact a drug product and drive business strategy and investment?

A culmination of nearly 20 years of research, The ParagraphFour Book is written as an easy-to-read business book. Though it covers the legal framework of the PIV Market (the Hatch-Waxman Act), it is not a boring legal treatise. From beginners to experts, anyone needing to know more about the PIV Market — pharmaceutical company managers and executives, PIV attorneys, investors,  academics, and the curious — will find The ParagraphFour Book an invaluable resource.

You can download the Table of Contents, Preface, and Chapter 1 — What is PIV?
Free download – Chapter 1

The ParagraphFour Book is free with a subscription to or US$395.00 for non-subscribers. You can purchase by contacting us at The book is a 218 page hardcover edition.

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